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My Second Life before Leon Ash,

a brief summary of my experiences during the month or so that I roamed Second Life as a basic account holder.

Thanks to Gwyneth Llewellyn, Tateru Nino and many other, very helpful, volunteers I spent much longer on the island than most. If only they had stopped showing me cool stuff all the time!

Some memorable events on the Island:

  • A female avatar arriving in all her naked Barbie doll glory.
  • Playing Fuego!
  • The paisley translucent chair I made.
  • Building a particle effect "statue". (Have seen much better particle effects since then, but still like mine)

Eventually I felt compelled to leave the island. Gwyneth (I think) gave me a collection of newbie friendly calling cards. Amongst these were very useful places such as the Ivory Tower Library of Primatives, Robin Sojourner's in-world texture tutorials, and Yadni's Junkyard.

I visited all of them and at Yadni's Junkyard I managed to become a blockhead. Apparently all newbies wear a box on their head at some stage. Fortunately for me I was on my own at the time.

After a couple of weeks exploring and meeting some great avs, I followed Starry Moonlight's calling card. Starry made me feel very very welcome. Gave me a hoverboard which I had great fun playing with. She also invited me to join her group which I did. She even gave me a house to live in.

I had to assemble it myself, but it was a very generous offer, for which I'll be forever grateful. I really enjoyed the week or so I spent on Starry's land, but felt it was more like "The Sims" than what I wanted for my Second Life.

It was then that I decided to upgrade to a premium acount and in January 2006 Leon Ash was born.

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Leon Ash

Leon Ash

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